Chain of Solution
1) What can I do?
What can you physically do to solve the issue?
Can you make it happen yourself?
2) Where can I look to find the Answer?
Did you check for the answer in the back office?
Did you go to view the trainings and Q&A section on
Did you read all the messages in the leadership chat from your upline?
3) Who do you contact if you can’t find the answer?
Call your plugged in upline, First. (It’s always good to keep your upline in the loop of what’s happening in the organization. They may already have the answer or know exactly who to contact to resolve your challenge.)
Next option: Contact Customer Service with clear, brief and to the point information and/or questions about your challenge. Give them a chance to research the challenge and respond.
After you have exhausted all resources to find solutions,
Always check with your plugged in upline as the next resource.
Send all business Building questions to the plugged in upline.
Send company related questions to customer service (technical issues, potential inaccuracies, website concerns, etc.)
(Remember: After you have exhausted your resources, always call your plugged in upline(s), first.)
To build a large sustainable organization you need to have a strong system in place good companies are people dependent but great companies are system dependent.
Great leaders are solution oriented, they know how to exercise patience and they are willing to go the extra mile.
This is our time. Let’s build the right culture while building it big and solid!
Your Global Master Ambassador,
Edwin Haynes
