Hey _, how’s it going? Do you have a quick minute, I have a huge favor to ask
Customer: Sure, what’s up?
You: Listen, I’m reaching out for a bit of support, but also wanted for you to be one of the first people I talked to about this. I am actually launching a wearable technology that goes on like an invisible glove, feels amazing and keeps your skin protected and sanitized for 4 straight hours.
Before you say yes, if you don't absolutely fall in love with it, I’ll give you 100% of your money back. We have two sizes available - regular and travel. How many would you like for you and your family?
Customer: What are the sizes exactly? How much?
You: The travel size gives ~ one month of protection and costs $20.
Full size will last you the 3 months for $45.
We’ve partnered with a charity, each bottle feeds a child, how many bottles can I put you down for?
Customer: Put me down for 2 bottles.
You: They are normally $45 per full size bottle, but if you buy 4 bottles,
we’ll give you a travel-size for free.
Customer: I’ll take 4.
Büüm Zoom Virtual Backgrounds
Bring the Büüm to your Zoom Conference Calls!

Büüm Cellphone Wallpapers

Bring the Büüm to your Mobile Phone!
Not sure how to change your phone wallpaper?

Recognition Templates
How to download the templates
1. Click the "Click here to download Button", the template will automatically download.
2. If you have Powerpoint, the template will open in Powerpoint.
If you do not have powerpoint, the template will open in Keynote.
3. Edit the template as needed!
Videos and Corporate Documents
Independent Ambassador Logos

Bill Genius Logo
Fast Start Training
Click here to download
TSA Logos

Zence Logo
PRE-Presentation Opening Video